License Information

License Information

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The University of Ottawa has negotiated license agreements of use for electronic resources, on behalf of its users.

  • These license agreements are formal contracts.
  • Your access to a licensed resource can be blocked if inappropriate use is discovered.
  • Inappropriate use can result in suspension of access for the entire institution.

It is your responsibility to be aware of and abide by the following conditions:

  • Access to the library electronic resources is limited to authorized users: students, staff, and faculty of the University of Ottawa, and under the terms of most license agreements, walk-in users.
  • Authorized users may view, download, copy, print and save, and store for editing or temporary storage only, single copies of individual search results or individual articles (i.e. not entire issues of journals) for personal use, research or study, in accordance with Canadian copyright law.
  • It is not permitted to use robots or intelligent agents to systematically download or reassemble any portion of the licensed products.
  • Authorized users must not transmit, disseminate or otherwise make the licensed resources available to unauthorized users or organizations, by any means.
  • Commercial use is not permitted.

Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated.