Exploring the Presence of a Women's Health Approach in Cervical Cancer Care

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Few studies have assessed healthcare workers' understanding and use of a women's health approach (WHA) in practice, specifically with regards to cervical cancer treatment. Given the dominant biomedical approach, it is important for healthcare workers to be aware of, and feel capable of addressing the gender-specific needs of their patients. The purpose of this study was to assess healthcare workers' understanding of a WHA in a cervical cancer treatment centre in western Canada. Using a feminist case-study method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine healthcare professionals of the multidisciplinary team, including: nursing, social work, medicine and radiation therapy. Findings from interviews indicate that healthcare workers did not use a WHA. Analysis brought forward three main barriers to the implementation of a WHA, which stimulated the creation of seven recommendations towards implementation of a comprehensive WHA. The goal of this paper is to disseminate research findings in a way that honours the contribution of the participants from the clinical milieu, and acknowledges the need for creativity, innovation and a 'rethinking' of care delivery for women with cervical cancer.

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