Messy Methodological Musings: Engaging in "Successful" Qualitative Health Research

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Participatory research projects incorporating non-traditional, creative, and qualitative methodologies can produce results which are unexpected or divergent from original research proposals. These results are highly meaningful, yet challenging to express to an audience when the expectation is to write the findings in a linear and traditional format, such as in a graduate thesis. Within this article, we use an autoethnographic approach to describe our experiences with ethnodrama, from our perspectives as a graduate student and supervisor. We focus on a planned breast cancer ethnodrama pilot project, which developed into a healing yoga program instead. We question the traditional notion of successful research as being a linear, straightforward process. In doing so, we hope to create dialogue and support mentorship which acknowledges the "messiness" of research projects. We also assert that there is a need to embrace non-traditional methods for disseminating our "messy" research outcomes.

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