JPP placement students launch thematic syllabus on health, mental health, aging and dying behind prison walls


In a context where incarcerated people continue to experience increasingly austere and torturous conditions of confinement in the name of preventing the spread of COVID-19, uOttawa undergraduate field placement students Sara Fleet, Nina Jährig and Roberta Marà prepared “Prison Injures, Maims and Kills: Health, Mental Health, Aging and Dying Behind the Walls: A Journal of Prisoners on Prisons Thematic Syllabus”. This research, teaching, and advocacy resource launched today, which includes pieces written by current and former prisoners on the deterioration of health and mental health experienced by human beings subject to the deprivation of liberty, is the second in a series of thematic syllabi produced by the students under the supervision of Justin Piché (Associate Professor, Criminology, uOttawa).