Volume 31(2) of the JPP is now available online


Today, the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons launched Volume 31, Number 2 - a special issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) featuring two dialogue sections. The first, featuring pieces on "Prison Labour", is edited by Jordan House and Kelly Struthers Montford. The second, featuring pieces on "Gender, Health and (In)justice in Canada", is edited by Martha Paynter, OmiSoore Dryden and El Jones. The collection also features a preface commemorating the 35th anniversary of the JPP, a Response on the importance of mutual aid following imprisonment, as well as reviews of a film and two books. The cover art was created by Joker (front) and Peter Collins (back).

The digitization of this open access issue of the JPP was made possible through a University of Ottawa Faculty of Social Sciences Collabzium Grant. Click here to order a printed copy of the full issue via subscription through the University of Ottawa Press. The printed copies of the issue are schedule to arrive at our office in early 2023. They will be mailed to issue contributors and journal subscribers from there. 

This issue of the JPP was the last of four to be published in 2022. We thank our contributors for continuing to write as resistance, as well as the University of Ottawa Faculty of Social Sciences and our subscribers for supporting their work.