Volume 33(1) of the JPP is now available online


As part of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) and the Division of Convict Criminology launched Volume 33, Number 1, which is a special issue edited by Grant Tietjen (University of Washington – Tacoma), Alison Cox (East Carolina University) and J. Renee Trombley (Metropolitan State University of Denver) marking the 25th anniversary of Convict Criminology. The collection features contributions reflecting on the past, present and future of Convict Criminology, including the role activism can play in scholarship by criminalized people. There are also articles that examine topics such as the challenges associated with securing release from prison and the stigmatizing impact labels have for people deemed to be criminal. The collection also includes cover art from Serge Tkachenko and Oliger Merko that were originally showcased at Prison Creative Arts Project exhibitions.

Click here to bookmark the special issue sales webpage for when print-on-demand copies become available through the University of Ottawa Press in January 2024. A bulk print run of the issue is scheduled to arrive at our office in December. Copies of volume 33(1) will be mailed to contributors and journal subscribers from there. 

This issue of the JPP is the first of two to be published in 2024. Click here to find out how you can subscribe to the journal. We thank our contributors for continuing to write as resistance, as well as our subscribers and readers for supporting their work.