Self Reflexivity: A Narrative Analysis of a Poem Titled "Crying"


  • Natasha Brien


Author Biography

Natasha Brien

Natasha Brien is a PhD student at the University of Toronto studying social work. She has been a loved one of people very dear to her, who have been incarcerated both federally and provincially in Canada throughout various periods in her life. Her areas of interest include the intersections of social work, law, criminality, and applications of critical race, Indigenous, feminist and queer theories. Natasha currently works as a research coordinator and course instructor at the University of Toronto, and her PhD research is supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Natasha is the founder of Supporting Ourselves While Supporting Our Loved Ones (SOSOLO). SOSOLO is a peer-based organization geared towards supporting friends, families and communities who have loved ones currently or formerly in conflict with the law. Natasha can be contacted by email at or


