El poder de Rosaura en La vida es sueño de Calderón de la Barca
seduction, honor-love, fate-freedom, male/female powerAbstract
This article deals with Rosaura’s relationships to other characters: her father, her mother, her lover (Astolfo), and her rival (Estrella), in addition to Segismundo in Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s play La vida es sueño. By being recognized by her father, Rosaura recovers her honor and can marry Astolfo. But Clotaldo’s recognition is substantially caused by Rosaura herself; she must therefore be viewed as the agent of her own destiny as well as an essential figure in the play’s denouement. Finally, Rosaura (Astrea) undoes the fatal star that held Segismundo in its grip and moves him to marry Estrella, who is both her double and romantic rival.
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