Fallas epistemológicas en la traducción inglesa del pensamiento decolonial y no-colonial latinoamericano
Decolonial Thought, Critical Translation Studies, Constitutional Preambles, Sumak Kawsay / Suma QamañaAbstract
Manipulation in translation is a historically common phenomenon that is brought about for diverse ideological reasons. Decolonial thought is not only victim to epistemicide but has been silenced in the process of translation. In this article, I show how Modernity is reflected in academic articles and especially in the English translation of the concept of Sumak Kawsay/Suma Qamaña or Buen Vivir, as expressed in the preambles of the Bolivian and Ecuadorian constitutions translated by the Max Planck Institute. I demonstrate how the anthropocentric and universalist view of modernity does not reflect the biocentric and pluralist proposal of decolonial thought.
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