The Teacher’s Rhetoric of Liberal Democracy and Minori'ethage in La patota (Argentina, 2015): An Open Decolonial Debate
(de)coloniality, gender violence, La patota, Santiago Mitre, representation of school and minori'ethage, socio-criticismAbstract
La patota (Argentina, 2015) recreates the experience of Paulina, a young lawyer who participates in a civics program in a rural school next to Posadas (Misiones). As in the plot of the original 60s film, the lawyer-teacher is raped by a gang (patota), of which some of her students are a part. She becomes pregnant and decides not to have an abortion. Based on the modernity/coloniality perspective, this socio-critical study applies the neologism “minori'ethage” to disarticulate the way in which the 2015 remake problematizes five centuries of coloniality and highlights the patriarchal environment in which everybody got trapped, underscoring the dangers of “playing fake democracy.”
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