Perspectives entourant la saisie de l’expérience enseignante lors d’incidents face-à-face pouvant perturber le climat de la classe


  • Joannie St-Pierre



Access to knowledge in action remains a challenge for both professionals and researchers alike. In the context of this article, the incidents are tackled since they make it possible to question the practices and values underlying this knowledge in action. The purpose of this contribution is to explore the range of opportunities associated with capturing the teaching experience in incidents. Following a literature review of incidents, two perspectives on how to grasp schemas and clues guiding perception seem to guide the literature. Some focus on information processing and view perception as a prerequisite for action. Others recognize the perception of the actor, his feelings and his intuition during an incident.

Keywords: experience, incident, perception, professional knowledge, teacher thought

Author Biography

Joannie St-Pierre

Joannie St-Pierre est titulaire d’une maîtrise en éducation à l’Université d’Ottawa. D’abord diplômée de l’UQAM et de l’Université de Liège en enseignement, elle a ensuite travaillé en Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta, aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest, en Allemagne puis au Honduras avant de revenir enseigner à la Commission scolaire des Portages-de-l’Outaouais au Québec. Elle rédige actuellement une thèse de doctorat en éducation à l’Université d’Ottawa sous la direction du professeur Raymond Leblanc. Elle est aussi assistante de recherche à la Faculté d’éducation de l’Université d’Ottawa.

Joannie St-Pierre holds a Master's degree in Education from the University of Ottawa. After graduating from UQAM and the University of Liège in teaching, she then worked in British Columbia, Alberta, the Northwest Territories, Germany and Honduras before returning to teach at the Portages-de-l'Outaouais School Board in Quebec. She is currently writing a doctoral thesis in education at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Prof. Raymond Leblanc. She is also a research assistant at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa.

