Emotions and Carceral Spaces


  • Jennifer M. Kilty University of Ottawa
  • Rachel Fayter University of Ottawa
  • Justin Piché University of Ottawa



Author Biographies

Jennifer M. Kilty, University of Ottawa

Jennifer M. Kilty is Full Professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa and trained as a Walls to Bridges facilitator in 2015. A critical prison studies scholar, her research examines criminalization, punishment, and incarceration – often at the nexus of health and mental health. She has published works on conditions of confinement, carceral segregation practices, the criminalization of HIV nondisclosure, prison education and pedagogy, and the mental health experiences of criminalized people.

Rachel Fayter, University of Ottawa

Rachel Fayter is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa where she holds a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. She completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in community psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University. While incarcerated at Grand Valley Institution for Women, Rachel engaged in the Walls to Bridges (W2B) prison education program and has been active in the alumni collective since 2014. Since her return to the community, Rachel has been advocating for prisoner rights and social justice-oriented policy changes through publications, panel discussions, public education, and media interviews. Her work has been published in the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Citizenship Studies, and Canadian Psychology, along with various book chapters. Rachel’s doctoral research focuses on the strengths and resiliency of criminalized women despite histories of trauma and imprisonment, and documenting how prison policies and practices actively inhibit solidarity and asset based coping among women.

Justin Piché, University of Ottawa

Justin Piché, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology and Director of the Carceral Studies Research Collective at the University of Ottawa. He is also an editor of the Journal of Prisoners on
Prisons (www.jpp.org) and member of the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (www.cp-ep.org). He can be reached by email at justin.piche@uottawa.ca or by mail at the following address:

Justin Piché, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Criminology
University of Ottawa
120 University Private
Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
K1N 6N5




