PCAP: A Voice from the Landfill


  • Kinnari Jivani



Biographie de l'auteur-e

Kinnari Jivani

Kinnari Jivani was born and raised in India. She is fluent in Gujarati, Hindi, and English. She has a B.S. In microbiology from the University of Mumbai. At the age of 20, she was arrested and then sentenced to 11 to 20 years of imprisonment in Michigan. Her earliest release date is in January 2001, after which she faces deportation. Since her incarceration, she has been discovering and exploring her talent for painting and writing. Her artwork has been featured in the Michigan Bar Journal and the Artist Magazine. Her paintings have been shown in the Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners for many years and have consistently won first place awards. Her writings have been published in The Change Agent, a magazine for social change; A Crack in the Concrete, an anthology of poems; Bhumika, a feminist magazine; The Project V-Day: Until the Violence Stops, headed by Eve Ensler; and in the Michigan Review of Prisoner Creative Writing, an anthology. She is a yoga instructor and volunteers weekly yogasana classes in the facility. She is now housed in the Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility in Michigan.


