Together in Spirit: Collaborative Art-Making Across Time and Space


  • Emily Bridge
  • Cathee Porter
  • Shea Wilson


Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Emily Bridge

Emily Bridge (she/her) is a white, femme settler living on the shared territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. She recently finished her undergraduate degree where she first became involved with Walls to Bridges in 2019, and is now starting her graduate degree in library and information sciences. Emily is a passionate community member who likes to lend her time where she can, but otherwise can be found climbing, spending time outdoors, or connecting with loved ones.

Cathee Porter

Cathee Porter is the BC Coordinator for the Walls to Bridges Collective. She is also a junior researcher in a Walls to Bridges impact evaluation study, which is to be completed in 2023. Cathee has decades of lived experience as a formerly incarcerated person and, while learning to navigate the new world in which she has earned release, is learning priceless working education through the Walls to Bridges community. She is a grateful and enthusiastic advocate of all that Walls to Bridges has to offer.

Shea Wilson

Shea Wilson (they/them) is a white settler living on the shared territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. They have been involved with Walls to Bridges since 2019, when they were a student in BC’s first Walls to Bridges class. Shea is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in gender studies and sociology, and in their time off can usually be found singing, composing music, or doing prep work for their two Dungeons and Dragons games.


