Profiling and Carceral States | Les profilages et les états carcéral


  • Justin Piché
  • Sandra Lehalle
  • Observatoire des profilages


Carceral states routinely engage in profiling of people pushed to the margins by colonialism, racism and white supremacy, capitalism and classism, patriarchy and heteronormativity, ableism, and other violent structures. This is evident in who is targeted, harmed, and killed by policing, imprisonment, immigration, child apprehension, health, social services and assistance, and other carceral institutions. The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons invites contributions by current and former prisoners, their loved ones, and grassroots community organizations that document, critique, and propose alternatives to profiling evident in carceral practices and experiences. Prospective contributors can also submit pieces examining resistance efforts behind and beyond bars to build decarceral futures.


