About the Journal

Focus and Scope

OLBI Journal is a peer reviewed publication of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) and its Canadian Centre for Study of Bilingualism and Language Policy (CCERBAL).

Articles published in OLBI Journal address issues linked to the questions of second language acquisition and language teaching; new technologies used in language instruction; evaluation of language skills; linguistic and social aspects of individual and societal bilingualism; language policy and planning; official languages; and any other topics related to the above fields in all languages.

OLBI Journal is a bilingual scientific publication and invites contributions both in English and in French.

Peer Review Process

Selection Process

Each manuscript submitted to OLBI Journal undergoes initial screening by the Editor(s) to determine if it is eligible for review. If a manuscript is determined to be eligible, a double-blind peer review process is initiated. Once the reviews are received, the Editor(s) make one of the following four decisions:

 1. Accept the manuscript as is (Accept)

2. Accept the manuscript with minor revisions (Minor Revisions Required)

3. Request major revisions and a resubmission of the manuscript for further evaluation (Revise and Resubmit)

4. Decline the submission (Decline)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)

Journal History

OLBI Journal is a peer reviewed publication of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) and its Canadian Centre for Study of Bilingualism and Language Policy (CCERBAL).

Articles published in OLBI Journal address issues linked to the questions of second language acquisition and language teaching; new technologies used in language instruction; evaluation of language skills; linguistic and social aspects of individual and societal bilingualism; language policy and planning; official languages; and any other topics related to the above fields in all languages.