Ambivalencia y toxicidad: el vínculo materno-filial en Distancia de rescate de Samanta Schweblin
ambivalence, toxicity, motherhood, Samanta Schweblin, countrysideAbstract
Distancia de rescate (2014) by the Argentine writer Samanta Schweblin, the novella at the core of this analysis, is a paradigmatic example in which several representative aspects of contemporary maternity discourses converge. In this article, I examine how the ambivalent mother-child bond is built and problematized in the context of the Argentine countryside in the twenty-first century. Moreover, and from a pathological perspective, I analyze the obsessive maternal behavior in the toxic space that Distancia de rescate depicts, both literally and metaphorically. I interpret the ambivalence and obsession of the mother-child relationship and its normalization in contemporary literary discourse.
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