Translanguaging et intercompréhension - deux approches à la diversité linguistique ?


  • Philipp Schwender Université de la Sarre
  • Christina Reissner



One of the central goals of European language policy is plurilingual competence. Translanguaging (TL) and intercomprehension (IC) are concepts that are proposed as appropriate on the path towards true linguistic diversity. The two concepts lie in the field of research on plurilingualism as positive approaches to linguistic diversity. They undoubtedly represent enrichment in the scientific debate around plurilingualism. Nevertheless, the frontiers and interfaces between TL and IC remain unclear and the question of a relevant definition arises. To this end, this contribution aims to clarify the notions in question. The objective of the article is to highlight some epistemological convergences and divergences between the two approaches. To complement the theoretical perspective, a few examples from a survey conducted by university stakeholders in the field of plurilingualism (participants in the 2018 CCERBAL Conference) are also discussed.

Keywords: translanguaging, intercomprehension, plurilingualism, plural approaches, plurilingual and intercultural education

