Les échanges en ligne comme secteur de pratiques et de recherches en ALAO : quelles problématiques, quelles évolutions?


  • François Mangenot




online exchange, collaborative learning, computer-mediated communication, online tutoring, telecollaboration


Over the past decade, the topics of telecollaboration, online intercultural exchangeor computer-mediated communication for language teaching and learning have received increasing attention in the field of CALL. This paper will present an overview and description of the current state of affairs linked to the practices and research surrounding online exchanges. The overview will begin with some definitions and then move on to a typology of online exchanges based on both the format chosen as well as the main objective of the exchange. The research overview will examine issues taken up in particular by European researchers and which are sometimes less frequently addressed across the Atlantic: the distinction between mutualisation and collaboration, the impact of synchronous or asynchronous tools on communication, the socio-affective dimension of online tutoring.

