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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in .docx format
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses 12-point Times New Roman font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); all tables, illustrations, and figures are referenced within the text at relevant places
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • All figures will be uploaded as separate files. The bibliography will be appended at the end of the text
  • All tables with captions are placed at the at the end of the document before the reference list
  • All figure captions are placed at the end of the manuscript. The figures are not included in the text, but attached as separate files
  • I have uploaded a cover letter, publishing agreement, manuscript document and figure document all as seperate files.

Author Guidelines


1.1 Open Journal Systems:

All articles are submitted online through the OSURJ Open Journal Systems (OJS). and should include a cover letter attached separately and any other supplementary material such as videos or pdb files.  

1.2 Word Document Format:

All manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. Figures and tables must be embedded in the text in their correct placement within the manuscript, but must also be submitted separately (see specific submission requirements under IV. Figures.) Upon submission of your publication, you must cc. your research supervisor in the email and all other relevant authors if applicable.

For consistency among submissions and to facilitate compliance with OSURJ formatting guidelines, OSURJ suggests writing your manuscript using the following template. Text must be double-spaced and with consecutive line numbering. In addition, each page numbered and continuous line numbers.

1.3 Double-Blinded Review Process:

To adhere to the double-blinded review process, each submitted manuscript must NOT include any names of the authors within the text. Failure to remove all names and identifiers from the manuscript will require revision.

1.4 Referees:

Upon submission, authors must include a recommendation of 1-2 faculty members of the University of Ottawa who are experts in the domain of your publication. These individuals may or may not be asked to participate as reviewers of the submission.

1.5 Submission Checklist:

  1. The submission has not been published previously. Any previously published components of the submission must be properly cited as per the Submission Guidelines.

  2. The submission formatting follows the OSURJ Submission Guidelines.

  3. I have created an online account through Open Journal Systems.

  4. I have included 1-2 potential referees for my submission.

  5. Cover letter is attached as a supplementary file via OJS.

  6. The text follows the reference guidelines outlined in the Submission Guidelines.

  7. Manuscript has been copyedited by the author before submission.

  8. All co-authors and supervisors have read the submitted manuscript and signed permission has been obtained to submit the article to OSURJ.


2.1 Cover Letter:

The Cover letter should include the names and email addresses of all contributing authors.
A brief description of the main results and their implications should also be included.

The letter should also confirm that all co-authors have read and approved of the submitted version of the manuscript. The Cover letter should not exceed 1 page

Please see the following sample cover letter here.

2.2 Title Page:

Title page should include the article title, the word count for the abstract, and the word count for the manuscript.

2.3 Publishing agreement:

Please upload a publishing agreement with your manuscript.


3.1 Font

All submissions are to be prepared using Times New Roman font as follows: 20 pt. title, 12 pt. body of text, and 10 pt. font in table legends, figure legends, and footnotes.

3.2 Title

The title should not exceed 15 words. It should be kept specific enough to accurately represent the content of the text, but also general enough to be understood by readers outside of your field. Do not include numbers, acronyms, or abbreviations.

3.3 Tables

Tables can be presented in landscape or portrait orientation. Below the table, insert a short bolded title beginning with “Table #”, and a description of the table and what it details, including definitions of all symbols used within the table. Number the tables in the order that they appear within the text. The title of the table should provide sufficient information to the reader to understand what is being displayed, independent of the text.

3.4 Figures

Figures can be presented in portrait or landscape orientation. Figures must be consistently generated by the same software as much as possible and kept as simple and easy to understand as possible: avoid unnecessary complexity, colour, and detail. Make sure that the information within the figure would be comprehensible if printed in grayscale. Figures must be submitted separately in a .tiff, .png, or .jpg format, and must have a resolution of at least 300 ppi. The title of the graph/figure should provide sufficient information to the reader to understand what is being displayed, independent of the text.

3.4a Figure Size Formats:

Two size formats may be used for figures: single-column (width from 3.37 to 8.23 cm) or double-column (width from 12.65 to 17.1 cm). Below the figure, include a short bolded title beginning with “Figure #”, and a description of the results and symbols shown in each section. Number the figures in the order that they appear in the text. For subplots within a single figure, label them using Roman numerals. Please do NOT include an explanation of methods here if your article contains a designated methods section.

For chemical structures, apply the ChemDraw “ACS Document 1996” settings found under the “Apply Setting From” drop-down menu of ChemDraw.

3.4b Figure Captions:

Each illustration must have an accompanying caption which consists of a brief title and short description of the figure. The caption should explain the symbols and abbreviations of the figure.

3.5 General Style

  • Use Oxford commas when making lists (e.g. A, B, and C).

  • Include a single space after a period.

  • Avoid using contractions (e.g. “cannot” instead of “can’t”).

  • Avoid the use of all personal pronouns (e.g. I, we, us…)

  • Numbers below 10 must be spelled out (one, two…), while numbers 10 and above can be written numerically (10, 11…)

  • Latin terms must be italicized (e.g. in vitro)

  • Math notation must be italicized (e.g. Sin x and Tgas)

  • Use active voice

  • Always define acronyms at their first use, as well as terms that a reader not specialized in your field would have trouble understanding

3.6 Mathematics & Numbers

  • Prepare equations using the equation editor tool within Microsoft Word. Equations must be numbered sequentially (“Equation #”). All symbols used in equations must be defined.

  • Precede all decimals with a zero (e.g. 0.2 instead of .2).

  • Include a space in between measurements and their unit (e.g. 20 L instead of 20L), except for percentages (20%).

  • Do not italicize Greek letter variables and units.

  • Use metric units whenever possible.

3.7 References

The reference format follows the style used in Science, as described here. This includes in-text citations and the list of references accompanying the publication.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.