Taking the hydro out of hydrofracturing: Application of ultra-light weight proppants to cryogenic liquid nitrogen as a fracturing fluid


  • Amna Ahmed
  • Teresa Zhu
  • Amna Majeed




In the last decade, hydraulic fracturing has rapidly gained popularity worldwide, emerging as the leading method of natural gas extraction in the United States. However, the practice remains controversial due to its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and the contamination of freshwater used in fracturing fluids. Although waterless fracturing fluids have been developed, including those using N2, CO2, oil, and alcohol, their application has been limited largely due to reduced fracturing power. Recent research has demonstrated that cryogenic nitrogen may prove a viable alternative, if this issue is properly addressed. Addition of durable, lightweight proppants is one way to increase fracturing power. This study aims to investigate the effect of proppant addition on the fracturing capabilities of cryogenic nitrogen. Three ultra-lightweight proppants will be combined with liquid nitrogen and fracturing power will be measured using triaxial stress tests. This novel approach has not yet been explored and will open more avenues of research into sustainable and efficient fracturing using  cryogenic nitrogen.






AAU Conference Abstracts