Étude Préliminaire Entre L’Attachement Amoureux et la Dramatisation Face à la Douleur chez des Individus Vivant Avec de la Douleur Chronique


  • Marie-Eve Martel
  • Marie-France Lafontaine
  • Christine Levesque




Chronic pain, romantic attachment, spousal support, pain catastrophizing


The objective of this preliminary study is to examine the perception of the support displayed by the romantic partner as a mediator of the relationship between the emotional attachment of the patient (there is anxiety related to abandonment and avoidance of intimacy) and the level of pain catastrophizing expressed by the patient. The sample being analyzed is comprised of 46 adults who live on a daily basis with chronic pain and who have been in a relationship for at least 6 months. The participants have completed the Experiences in Close Relationships, the Perceived Responsiveness Scale and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Results indicate that the more an individual has an insecure attachment; the less he/she will perceive receiving support from his/her romantic partner. The anxiety related to abandonment is associated with more pain catastrophizing. 


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