Message from the Editors


  • Fiona Renee Cooligan University of Ottawa
  • Billie Jane Hermosura University of Ottawa
  • Raphaël Gani University of Ottawa



Message from the Editors, Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium 2018, JPDS Proceedings 2018

Author Biographies

Fiona Renee Cooligan, University of Ottawa

Fiona Cooligan completed her Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights and Psychology at Carleton University and is currently pursuing graduate studies in Education at the University of Ottawa. For her MA thesis research, she has examined the various facets of student engagement and co-created learning in higher education. Drawing from her professional background in youth voice in the mental health system, she plans to continue on to her PhD to focus on citizenship and democratic education in the youth sector.

Billie Jane Hermosura, University of Ottawa

Billie Jane Hermosura is a dietitian and PhD candidate at the University of Ottawa. She combines her passion for health, adult learning and project management through her work as a consultant and researcher. Before starting her PhD, Billie Jane worked as a project manager and program evaluation specialist for provincial and regional health authorities in British Columbia. Her research currently focuses on investigating the relationship between competency-based education and health workforce planning. Billie Jane earned a Master of Applied Science from the University of Guelph and a Master of Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University.

Raphaël Gani, University of Ottawa

Raphaël Gani is pursuing is Ph.D in education at the University of Ottawa. Funded by the FRQSC and OGS, he is now finishing his thesis on the first “equal” partnership between Francophone, Anglophone, and Indigenous representatives to design a curriculum in Canada.


