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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in Submissions.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Subjects and Fields of Interest

Submission criteria are based on the twelve determinants of health as outlined by Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Ideally, anyone who wishes to submit their original work should clearly identify which determinant of health is associated with their paper and the nature of the relationship – how is the subject related to human health through the chosen determinant of health?

The Public Health Agency of Canada lists the following determinants of health:

  • Income and Social Status
  • Social Support Networks
  • Education and Literacy
  • Employment/Working Conditions
  • Social Environments
  • Physical Environments
  • Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills
  • Healthy Child Development
  • Biology and Genetic Endowment
  • Health Services
  • Gender
  • Culture


Types of Submissions

Presently, the IJHS accepts the following types of submissions:

  • Original articles: 4000 word limit: either quantitative or qualitative; includes review articles, case reports, literature reviews and clinical experiments.
  • Article, Book or Media reviews: 1000 word limit
  • Essay: 1250 word limit

The word limit does not include the abstract or references.

Other types of submissions to the journal which were not mentioned should also be in a format similar to one of those mentioned above. Please contact an editor for more information.



While Interdisciplinary Journal of Health Sciences welcomes submissions from students (at the time of submission) from all Faculties, Schools and Departments of all universities, the journal also accepts submissions from any individual interested in advancing research in health sciences.

We accept submissions with multiple authors – all authors must be mentioned at the time ofsubmission.

In times of great affluence, the Editorial Board holds the right to limit the number of submissions one can send at once for review and, ultimately, for publication.


Formatting the Manuscript

Format of the File

The manuscript should be in Microsoft Word Format (DOC or DOCX) or in Rich Text Format (RTF). No other format will be accepted: ODT, WPD, PDF, XPS etc. are not accepted.

The manuscript should also be named as "lastname_firstname_date.doc" (date: YYYYMMDD). E.g., doe_john_20120127.doc.

The manuscript page settings should be in Standard format (usually carried by default on Microsoft Word):

  • 8.5 x 11” pages (Letter)
  • Margins set at 1 inch (2,54 cm)
  • Text in Times New Roman, and size 12 pt.
  • The entire manuscript must be double spaced
  • Paragraphs should be indicated with an indent of ½ inch

Only ONE file can be submitted for review to the RISS - IJHS. It must contain the manuscript and all associated figures, tables, illustrations and graphics.


Structure of Manuscripts

I. Title page (page 1)

The Title page is the first page of the manuscript. It must contain:

  • Title of the manuscript/submission;
  • Complete list of authors (first name, middle name initial(s), LAST NAME, academic degrees); if a professor is associated as a secondary author, provide as well professional associations, designations, associated departments, and her/his professional correspondence email;
  • Faculty (or faculties), department(s), and division(s) in which the described research took place (if pertinent, for example in case of an honours project);
  • Correspondence information (of "Author 1") including correspondent name, phone number, and email address.

Please note that the remainder of the manuscript must be free of the authors’

 II. Abstract and key words (page 2)

The second page of the manuscript should include an Abstract and Keywords.

  • Abstract are required for original articles. They are not required for other submission types. Their maximum length is 200 words. Please limit the use of acronyms and abbreviations unless they are defined or explained at some point in the manuscript.
  • Key words are required for all submission types. After the abstract, include three to five keywords that describe the manuscript and that can be used to find the article on other online index.

III. Suggested format of manuscript text (page 3+)

Text and structure
The text of the manuscript should start on the third page with the following headings:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements*

Section names should be indicated on a separate line with text in bold.

Subsections may be used in the Materials and methods, Results, and Discussion sections if appropriate. Subsections names should be indicated on a separate line with text in bold or underlined.

* Anybody (professor, professional, undergraduate / graduate student etc.) who contributed to your manuscript must be named in the “Acknowledgments” section unless they explicitly state otherwise. In this section, you thank every individual who contributed to your manuscript and who are not the authors.


  • All illustrations are to be submitted in the same file. Their respective position in the text should be noted appropriately in the text.
  • All figures should be of appropriate resolution and appropriate for spanning one, two, or three columns.
  • Each figure should have accompanying text (a legend) describing the panel. All tables, charts, and illustrations should be numbered and referred to sequentially (“Figure 1” or “Table 1”).

IV. References (last page)
References should be cited using APA style.


How to Submit

Preliminary Steps
1. The author(s) must make sure the manuscript follows all of our submission criteria and required format:

  • The author(s) clearly related the subject of study to a determinant of health (in the Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion sections)
  • The manuscript falls into one of the types of submission
  • The manuscript is structured following the standard publication format

2. In case of a submission with multiple authors, all authors must agree to submit the manuscript for publication in the RISS - IJHS

  • If an author disagree, her/his part in the article must be taken out without altering the validity of the study
3. All authors wishing to submit must register for an account on the IJHS Submission System (OJS). If there is more than one author responsible for a submission, only one author is required to register for an account prior to submission. For more information please see Author Information

If you experience any trouble submitting your manuscript, please contact to report the issue and seek assistance.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.