Vol. 12 (2022): Bilingualism and beyond

This volume of the OLBI Journal brings together peer-reviewed papers selected from the 2021 Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) conference, hosted online in May 2021 at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute of the University of Ottawa. Under the broad theme of Bilingualism and Beyond: Advancing the Thinking on Pedagogies, Policies and Practices, over 275 participants gathered to explore bilingualism, plurilingualism, and multilingualism from various perspectives and disciplines.
The research articles have been grouped under two broad themes: 1) Challenges and opportunities for pluri/multilingual speakers, and 2) Innovative practices in second language education.
Editors: Catherine Levasseur, Keiko Tsuchiya, Emmanouela Tisizi