Expériences de préposées aux bénéficiaires sur l'utilisation d'un système informatisé de gestion des soins en résidences pour personnes âgéees


  • Antonia Arnaert, Dr. Ingram School of Nursing, McGil University
  • Norma Ponzoni, Ms Ingram School of Nursing, McGil University
  • Zoumanan Debe, Dr. Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Service Centre
  • France Morisette, Ms Le Groupe Maurice




Despite the increasing use of computerized care management systems in residences for older adults, there is very little evidence on the perceptions of caregivers regarding this technology, specifically the perceptions of orderlies. The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the experiences of 17 orderlies vis-à-vis the use of the software “Soins Organisation Facilité Intérêt” (SOFI) in two senior residences in Quebec. Transcripts from four focus groups were analyzed using an inductive approach. All attendants agreed that the software was a positive asset that allowed them to better organize their tasks and documentation. In addition, they expressed the desire to use SOFI in their workflow to improve communication between themselves and with other professionals within the institution to participate in decision-making around quality of care. Finally, they insisted on the absolute necessity of having this technology be adapted to the working environment, both in its digital presentation and in its physical form, in order for it to be easy to access and use. The presence of software meeting the identified criteria enabled them to improve their performance through increased autonomy and their commitment to daily practice.

Author Biographies

Antonia Arnaert, Dr., Ingram School of Nursing, McGil University

Associate Professor, Ingram School of Nursing, 680 Sherbrooke West, Office 1906, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2N7

Norma Ponzoni, Ms, Ingram School of Nursing, McGil University

Assistant Professor and Program Director for the Nurse Practitioner (NP) program, Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University

Zoumanan Debe, Dr., Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Service Centre

Planning, Programming and Research Officer - Telehealth Component, Montreal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Service Centre

France Morisette, Ms, Le Groupe Maurice

Assistant Vice President Health, Le Groupe Maurice




