“FYI: Can Viagra Make You A Better Athlete?” Media Review


  • James Taylor




Viagra, athlete, competition, improvement


Article Source: http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-11/fyi-can-viagra-make-you-a-better-athlete

Introduction: Athletes have started taking Viagra to gain a competitive edge. Viagra’s use might be expanding into the athletic world for its alleged boost to one’s physical capability. This paper will discuss Viagra’s impact on society, its users, athletic organisations, and whether its purported performance enhancement uses are valid and safe.

Pharmacology: Viagra works by relaxing smooth muscle cells through the inhibition of PDE5, thus, increasing the bioavailability of cGMP.

Results: Subjects had a higher VO2 max and recovered faster from pulmonary hypertension when given Viagra. Other results are mixed and not well established.

Barriers: Allowing Viagra into the athletic community may cause concern from sports organisations but will conversely and unequally burden those who require Viagra for healthy sexual function.

Conclusion: These findings do not directly correlate to an improvement in athletic performance. Furthermore, taking Viagra may pose as a risk to one’s health. Viagra should only be taken upon consultation with a health care professional. 


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