Ebola en Afrique de L’Ouest : L’Impact des Déterminants Sociaux


  • Audrey Caron




Ebola, West Africa, epidemic, lessons, health inequalities, transmission, infections, hemorrhagic fever, Zaire ebolavirus, Doctors Without Borders, social responsibility, fairness


For over a year, West Africa has encountered the most important epidemic of Ebola in its history. This essay presents the various social determinants of health that have had an impact on the extent of this crisis. Environment, culture, and health services are the predominant factors that influenced the development of this epidemic, causing thousands of deaths. These determinants have played a role in the trigger of this epidemic, the further transmission of the virus as well as its regional expansion. In fact, working on these factors has allowed improvements in building the capacity of these communities and in their life conditions, reducing social inequalities in health. It is, therefore, important to consider them in order to allow the containment of this crisis and to prevent another catastrophe. 


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