Inde-Afrique, un partenariat gagnant-gagnant?
India-Africa, South-South cooperation, 'win-win'Abstract
In this article, we question the "win-win" nature of cooperation between India and Africa. To do so, we will address multiple dimensions of these relations, namely political, economic, military and development assistance. While South-South cooperation is often touted as a model of horizontal partnership, less interested and more supportive than North-South cooperation, our analysis leads us to argue that India-Africa relations are not "win-win" relations but rather essentially in support of India’s interests. We nevertheless offer some nuances, showing for example that cooperation on the military front seems to be mutually beneficial. However, altogether, our analysis shows that the "win-win" rhetoric preached by Indian leaders (and inspired by China) in the context of Indo-African cooperation is in fact limited in terms of concrete application or materialization in the relationship. It is therefore necessary to reshape these relations to make them truly and equitably beneficial to both entities.