Food Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Chase McGowan Carleton University



Climate change is predicted to have a detrimental impact on food security throughout the world, but the poorest regions are likely to be the most affected. The Food and Agriculture Organization identifies four aspects of food security: availability, access, stability and utilization. This literature review examines the predicted impacts of climate change on food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. First, an analysis of the scientific literature was undertaken to investigate the potential impact of climate change on each of these four aspects. Second, policies relating to food security and climate change of key UN bodies, international non-profit organizations, and national governments in Sub-Saharan Africa were examined. Overall, there is extensive evidence that climate change will negatively impact each of the four aspects of food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Until now, international organizations and national governments have failed to adopt comprehensive policies to adapt to climate change. To be effective, efforts to address the problem should combine social and development aspects.


