2015 Ontario Health Cut Backs: Overview and Specific Impact on Primary Care

Main Article Content

Brittany Harrison
Merry Guo


On February 1st 2015, the Ontario government began implementing a series of unilateral cut-backs to health care in Ontario. These changes include a 2.65% decrease to physician fees across-the-board, restricting entry into Family Health Organizations (FHO) and Family Health Networks (FHN), discontinuing enrolment premiums, and restricting the Income Stabilization program [1-7]. Without a doubt, family physicians are amongst the most heavily impacted physicians [8]. In this commentary, we attempt to summarize the recent events leading to these cut-backs, and discuss the potential implications of these changes with relation to primary care in particular.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Brittany Harrison, University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa
Faculty of Medicine
Class of 2016

Merry Guo, University of Ottawa Class of 2016

University of Ottawa
Faculty of Medicine
Class of 2016



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