


  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All identifying information, including author names, affiliations, and acknowledgments, has been removed from the manuscript to prepare it for a double-blind review process.


Author Guidelines for Full-Length Article Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal invites authors to submit original research articles that present new experimental or theoretical studies of general significance relating to city development. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure uniformity among manuscripts published in the journal.

Article Structure

Your article should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: This section should provide a brief background of the study, clearly define the research problem, and state the significance of the study in the context of city development.

  2. Methodology: Provide a clear and detailed description of the research methodology. This section should be sufficiently detailed for others to replicate the study.

  3. Results: Present the results of the research in a logical sequence. All data, charts, and graphs should be included within this section.

  4. Discussion: Discuss the implications of the results, compare them with previous research, and discuss potential limitations of the study.

  5. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, discuss the significance and implications of the research, and suggest directions for future research.

Word Limit

Full-length articles should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of the text, references, captions, and footnotes. Tables and figures should be limited to what is necessary to support the narrative.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.

  2. Use double spacing throughout the manuscript.

  3. Use the Harvard reference style. Include all references in a bibliography at the end of the manuscript.

  4. Include a title page with the title of the manuscript, the authors' names and affiliations, a running head, and the corresponding author's contact information.

  5. Captions for figures and tables should be concise and explanatory.

  6. Use footnotes sparingly.

Submission Process

Please submit your manuscript electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All manuscripts are subject to peer review. Following the review, the manuscript may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.


Author Guidelines for Book Review Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal welcomes submissions of book reviews that provide a critical evaluation of recent publications relevant to the field of city development. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure uniformity among reviews published in the journal.

Structure of the Review

Your book review should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: Begin by providing the full bibliographic citation for the book at the top of your review (Author, Title, Publisher, Year of publication, Number of pages). Then, introduce the author, their credentials, and any relevant background information. Give an overview of the book's main themes or arguments.

  2. Summary of Content: Provide an overview of the book's content. Break down the material by chapter or section, describing the key points, arguments, or findings.

  3. Critical Evaluation: Discuss the book's strengths and weaknesses. Consider the quality of the writing, the accuracy of the information, the validity of the arguments, and the book's organization and style.

  4. Contribution to the Field: Assess the book's contribution to the field of city development. Does it provide new insights, theories, or data? Does it challenge existing theories or practices? Is it groundbreaking or does it build on existing work?

Word Count

Book reviews should not exceed 2,000 words. This count includes all parts of the text, such as the body, references, captions, and footnotes.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.

  2. Use double spacing throughout the review.

  3. Use the Harvard referencing style for any citations.

  4. Be sure to include a title for your review. The title should be informative and engaging.

Submission Process

Please submit your book review electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your review is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All submissions are subject to peer review. Following the review, the submission may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.


Author Guidelines for Review Article Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal welcomes authors to submit review articles that offer a comprehensive summary and analysis of research on a particular topic within the field of city development. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure consistency among manuscripts published in the journal.

Structure of the Review Article

Your review article should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: Clearly define the topic under review, provide some context or background, and mention the relevance and significance of the review.

  2. Methodology: If relevant, outline the methods used for identifying, selecting, and extracting data.

  3. Discussion: Summarize and synthesize the research you have collected and analyzed. Discuss the major findings, trends, and points of agreement or disagreement in the literature.

  4. Conclusion and Future Directions: Summarize the main findings of the review. Identify gaps in the research, raise questions for future study, and make suggestions for future research.

Word Count

Review articles should not exceed 10,000 words. This count includes all parts of the text, such as the body, references, captions, and footnotes.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.

  2. Use double spacing throughout the manuscript.

  3. Use the Harvard reference style. Include all references in a bibliography at the end of the manuscript.

  4. Include a title page with the title of the manuscript, the authors' names and affiliations, a running head, and the corresponding author's contact information.

Submission Process

Please submit your review article electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All manuscripts are subject to peer review. Following the review, the manuscript may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.

If you have any questions about the submission process or require further information, please contact us. We look forward to your contributions to the field of city development.


Author Guidelines for Short Communication Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal welcomes the submission of Short Communications, which are concise reports of scientific studies of interest to our readership. These should present complete, self-contained studies rather than preliminary results. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure consistency among submissions.

Structure of the Short Communication

Your Short Communication should include the following sections:

  1. Title: A concise and informative title that accurately reflects the study.

  2. Abstract: A brief summary of the study (150 words maximum), highlighting the aim, methodology, key findings, and conclusion.

  3. Introduction: A brief explanation of the study's context and objective.

  4. Materials and Methods: A concise but complete description of the methods used.

  5. Results: A clear and succinct presentation of the study's findings.

  6. Discussion/Conclusion: A brief explanation of the significance of the findings and their implications. This should also mention the study's limitations and suggestions for future research.

Word Count

Short Communications should not exceed 3,000 words. This count includes all parts of the text such as the body, references, captions, and footnotes.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.
  2. Use double spacing throughout the manuscript.
  3. Use the Harvard referencing style for any citations.
  4. Include a title page with the title of the manuscript, the authors' names and affiliations, a running head, and the corresponding author's contact information.

Submission Process

Please submit your Short Communication electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All submissions are subject to peer review. Following the review, the manuscript may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.


Author Guidelines for Opinion Piece Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal welcomes authors to submit Opinion Pieces, which offer a personal viewpoint on a topic related to urban development. These pieces should provoke thought and initiate discussions among our readership. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure uniformity among Opinion Pieces published in the journal.

Structure of the Opinion Piece

Your Opinion Piece should include the following sections:

  1. Title: A brief, descriptive, and engaging title that accurately reflects the topic.

  2. Introduction: Present your main argument or viewpoint clearly and concisely. Set the context and explain why the topic is important.

  3. Body: Develop your argument using clear and concise paragraphs. Each paragraph should cover a distinct point or idea that supports your overall argument. While Opinion Pieces are largely based on your viewpoint, where appropriate, arguments should be backed up by evidence.

  4. Conclusion: Summarize your argument and the points you've made in the piece. You might also suggest a course of action or propose a solution.

Word Count

Opinion Pieces should not exceed 1,500 words. This count includes all parts of the text such as the body, references, captions, and footnotes.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.
  2. Use double spacing throughout the piece.
  3. Use the Harvard referencing style for any citations.
  4. Include your name, affiliation, and a brief bio at the end of the piece.

Submission Process

Please submit your Opinion Piece electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your piece is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All submissions are subject to an editorial review. Following the review, the piece may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.


Author Guidelines for Case Study Submission

The "City Development: Issues and Best Practices" Journal invites authors to submit Case Studies, which offer detailed analyses of specific events, phenomena, or projects in a real-world urban development context. These submissions should contribute new insights or challenge existing theories and practices. The following guidelines provide details on format, style, and length to ensure consistency among case studies published in the journal.

Structure of the Case Study

Your Case Study should include the following sections:

  1. Title: A brief, descriptive title that accurately reflects the case study.

  2. Abstract: A concise summary (150 words maximum) of the case study, highlighting the problem statement, analysis, and implications.

  3. Introduction: Provide some context, identify the problem or issue being addressed, and explain why the case study is significant.

  4. Case Description: Describe the specific event, phenomenon, or project being studied in detail. Include any relevant background information, such as the physical, social, or historical context.

  5. Analysis: Present a detailed analysis of the case. This should not just describe what happened, but also explain why it happened, based on a thorough examination of the evidence.

  6. Discussion/Conclusion: Discuss the implications of your analysis for practice or policy. This could include lessons learned, recommendations for future similar cases, and any gaps or questions that emerged during the study.

Word Count

Case Studies should not exceed 5,000 words. This count includes all parts of the text such as the body, references, captions, and footnotes.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Please use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, size 12.
  2. Use double spacing throughout the manuscript.
  3. Use the Harvard referencing style for any citations.
  4. Include a title page with the title of the manuscript, the authors' names and affiliations, a running head, and the corresponding author's contact information.

Submission Process

Please submit your Case Study electronically through our online submission system. Ensure that your manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and free from typographical errors before submission.

All submissions are subject to peer review. Following the review, the manuscript may be accepted, returned for revision, or rejected.

If you have any questions about the submission process or require further information, please contact us. We look forward to your contributions to the field of city development.


Section default policy

Full-Length Article

Original research articles should present new experimental or theoretical studies of general significance. Manuscripts should consist of an introduction, a clear statement of the problem, a detailed description of the methodology, a presentation and discussion of the results, and a conclusion.

Book Review

Book reviews should offer a critical evaluation of a recent book relevant to the field of city development. The review should provide an overview of the book's contents, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and assess its contribution to the field.

Review Article

Review articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic. These articles should provide a synthesis of existing literature and may identify areas for future research. They should be well-referenced to original literature.

Short Communication

Short communications are brief reports of scientific studies that are of interest to the readership but may not warrant a full-length article. They should be complete, self-contained studies, and not preliminary reports.

Opinion Piece

Opinion pieces present the personal viewpoint of the author on a topic related to urban development. The piece should be based on sound reasoning and, where appropriate, evidence. The opinion piece is meant to stimulate thought and discussion among readers.

Case Study

Case studies are detailed analyses of specific events, phenomena, or projects in a real-world context. Case studies should provide new insights or challenge existing theories and practices. They should include a problem statement, a detailed analysis, and a discussion of implications for practice or policy.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor provide a forum for readers to comment on articles recently published in the journal or to introduce a relevant topic of concern. The letter should be concise, coherent, and respectful in tone.

