Trois modalités de réseaux littéraires pour enseigner la grammaire en contexte plurilingue


  • Joël Thibeault University of Ottawa
  • Claude Quevillon Lacasse Université du Québec à Montréal



Grammar is a discipline that is anchored in francophone school traditions, and its teaching, because it is associated with a well-known normative function, often contributes to the reproduction of social inequalities at school. In light of this, this article aims, on the one hand, to show the didactic relevance of grammatical literary networks for the teaching of French grammar (whether it be French as a second language or as language of schooling) in plurilingual contexts. We will thus expose the theoretical foundations for the use of these networks and we will see how they can be utilized to enhance the plural linguistic repertoire of students. On the other hand, we will showcase three modalities that these networks can adopt in class and that, when taking into consideration the plurilingual reality of today’s classrooms, can support the development of students’ grammatical competency.

Keywords: grammar, teaching, literary networks, plurilingualism, writing

