Development of a mobile application, ImmunizeCA, for the management of patient immunization records: a discussion with Dr. Kumanan Wilson and Katherine Atkinson
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Vaccinations have “saved more lives than any other health measure” over the past 50 years [1]. Currently, patient immunization records are managed using the yellow immunization card; however, a team of researchers at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) has recently created a mobile application for all operating systems, inclusive of all provinces and territories, that conveniently stores patient data for every vaccination schedule [2]. The UOJM 2014 – 2015 Editor-in-Chief Team met with Dr. Kumanan Wilson (General Internist, The Ottawa Hospital) and Katherine Atkinson (Research Coordinator, OHRI) to discuss the development of the ImmunizeCA app [3], the first national immunization app to be endorsed by the Minister of Health, Rona Ambrose [4].
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2. The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. National app puts immunization records in your hands [Internet]. [updated 2014 Mar 20; cited 2014 Sept 13] Available from:
3. ImmunizeCA App. Immunize Canada [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Public Health Association. [updated 2014 Jul 02; cited 2014 Sept 13] Available from:
4. Public Health Agency of Canada. Government of Canada launches innovative mobile vaccine application [Internet]. [updated April 24; cited Sept 13] Available from:
5. HealthMap. Outbreaks Near Me [Internet]. 2014. Available from: