Case report: Type IV paraesophageal hernia

Contenu principal de l'article

Joshua Hefler


This case report is about a 43 year old man, who presented with a large paraesophageal hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernias are common and often asymptomatic. However, this patient’s hernia was caused by a large defect in his diaphragm, into which his stomach, multiple loops of small bowel and even part of his colon had herniated, causing recurrent gastric obstruction. While this is a condition that develops slowly, over time in most patients, this case of hiatal hernia likely results from a congenital defect, given his relatively young age, the size of the defect and his associated anatomical abnormalities. This report details his presentation and surgical repair, complemented with corresponding images.

Renseignements sur l'article

Case Report & Elective report
Biographie de l'auteur-e

Joshua Hefler, University of Ottawa

3rd year medical student at the University of Ottawa


See manuscript