Supporting the Development of Physician-scientists

Contenu principal de l'article

Mimi Xiaoming Deng


In the last decade, there has been a discrepancy between the increasing recognition for research involvement in medical training and the stagnation in the number physician-scientists. Health research funding cutbacks, inadequate mentorship, heavy schedules, and unfamiliarity with scientific methodology are obstacles that limit research interest amongst junior medical learners and cause attrition of promising physician-scientist in training. This article outlines five strategies to promote and facilitate the development of physician-scientists with the understanding that research is integral to clinical excellence. Some of the ways the undergraduate and postgraduate medical curricula can better lend themselves to producing clinicians with the skillset to address clinical uncertainties through an evidence-based approach are: partnerships between healthcare and academia, increasing admission to MD/PhD and Clinical Investigator programs, establishing fundamentals of scientific thinking, long-term research mentorship, facilitating knowledge translation.

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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Mimi Xiaoming Deng, University of Ottawa

Medicine, MD2021


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