The Subtle and Silent Issue in Older Adult Care
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1. Webster P. COVID-19 highlights Canada’s care home crisis. The Lancet. 2021 Jan 16;397(10270):183.
2. Liu M, Maxwell CJ, Armstrong P, Schwandt M, Moser A, McGregor MJ, Bronskill SE, Dhalla IA. COVID-19 in long-term care homes in Ontario and British Columbia. CMAJ. 2020 Nov 23;192(47):E1540-6.
3. Stratton C, Andersen L, Proulx L, Sirotich E. When apathy is deadlier than COVID-19. Nature Aging. 2021 Feb;1(2):144–5.
4. Pandemic Experience in the Long-Term Care Sector: How Does Canada Compare With Other Countries? (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2020).
5. Aitken, J. 5 answers to questions about long-term care homes in Ontario. Retire-At-Home (2017)
6. Labour group calls for premium wage increase for personal support workers. CBC News (2020)
7. Jimenez‐Sotomayor, M.R., Gomez‐Moreno, C. and Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis, E. (2020), Coronavirus, Ageism, and Twitter: An Evaluation of Tweets about Older Adults and COVID‐19. J Am Geriatr Soc, 68: 1661-1665.
8. Rebekah M. Widrick & Jonathan D. Raskin (2010) Age-related stigma and the golden section hypothesis, Aging & Mental Health, 14:4, 375-385, DOI: 10.1080/13607860903167846
9. Teri Bennett & Jean Gaines (2010) Believing What You Hear: The Impact of Aging Stereotypes upon the Old, Educational Gerontology, 36:5, 435-445, DOI: 10.1080/03601270903212336
10. MacRae H. ‘My opinion is that doctors prefer younger people’: older women, physicians and ageism. Ageing and Society. 2018 Feb 1;38(2):240.
11. Raina D, Balodi G. Ageism and stereotyping of the older adult. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical. 2014.
12. Maly, Leake and Stillman 2004) than provided to younger patients (Cherubini, Corsonello and Lattanzio 2012; Sifer-Riviere et al. 201
13. North MS, Fiske ST. Subtyping ageism: Policy issues in succession and consumption. Social Issues and Policy Review. 2013 Jan;7(1):36-57.
2. Liu M, Maxwell CJ, Armstrong P, Schwandt M, Moser A, McGregor MJ, Bronskill SE, Dhalla IA. COVID-19 in long-term care homes in Ontario and British Columbia. CMAJ. 2020 Nov 23;192(47):E1540-6.
3. Stratton C, Andersen L, Proulx L, Sirotich E. When apathy is deadlier than COVID-19. Nature Aging. 2021 Feb;1(2):144–5.
4. Pandemic Experience in the Long-Term Care Sector: How Does Canada Compare With Other Countries? (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2020).
5. Aitken, J. 5 answers to questions about long-term care homes in Ontario. Retire-At-Home (2017)
6. Labour group calls for premium wage increase for personal support workers. CBC News (2020)
7. Jimenez‐Sotomayor, M.R., Gomez‐Moreno, C. and Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis, E. (2020), Coronavirus, Ageism, and Twitter: An Evaluation of Tweets about Older Adults and COVID‐19. J Am Geriatr Soc, 68: 1661-1665.
8. Rebekah M. Widrick & Jonathan D. Raskin (2010) Age-related stigma and the golden section hypothesis, Aging & Mental Health, 14:4, 375-385, DOI: 10.1080/13607860903167846
9. Teri Bennett & Jean Gaines (2010) Believing What You Hear: The Impact of Aging Stereotypes upon the Old, Educational Gerontology, 36:5, 435-445, DOI: 10.1080/03601270903212336
10. MacRae H. ‘My opinion is that doctors prefer younger people’: older women, physicians and ageism. Ageing and Society. 2018 Feb 1;38(2):240.
11. Raina D, Balodi G. Ageism and stereotyping of the older adult. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical. 2014.
12. Maly, Leake and Stillman 2004) than provided to younger patients (Cherubini, Corsonello and Lattanzio 2012; Sifer-Riviere et al. 201
13. North MS, Fiske ST. Subtyping ageism: Policy issues in succession and consumption. Social Issues and Policy Review. 2013 Jan;7(1):36-57.