Développement métalinguistique chez de jeunes enfants bilingues comparés à des monolingues


  • Maria Antonietta Pinto University of Rome "La Sapienza"
  • Sonia El Euch Université du Québec à Trois Rivières




metalinguistic development, young bilinguals, Italian–English, Italian–French, simultaneous/consecutive


This paper reports on two studies on metalinguistic development in bilingual Italian–English and Italian–French children, with the use of the same metalinguistic test in different linguistic versions. The first study, conducted in preschool and primary-level classes in London, involved 118 four- and five-year old children, 64 Italian–English bilinguals and 54 English monolinguals, all belonging to a privileged sociocultural background. Bilinguals significantly outperformed monolinguals irrespective of the linguistic version of the test, Italian or English. The second study involved 101 children, 47 of whom were five-year-old Italian–French bilinguals (31 simultaneous and 16 consecutive), enrolled in a French school in Rome, and 54 were monolinguals. Twenty-seven were monolingual Italians tested in Rome in Italian and 27 were monolingual French, tested in Paris in French. All the participants belonged to a privileged milieu. Again, the bilinguals outperformed the monolinguals irrespective of the linguistic version of the test and of the simultaneous/consecutive distinction.


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